Sunday 3 August 2014

More on Beyonce and Jay Z's impending rumoured divorce...

Despite sharing this pic of her nail art with
her husband's initial on it (pictured left), NY
Post is still insisting that Beyonce and Jay Z
are separating soon and we should expect a
divorce announcement anytime now as
lawyers have been called...
Jay Z, Beyoncé, concert promoter Live
Nation, HBO - and no less than four lawyers
have attended an emergency meeting
Thursday to address the couple’s rapidly
imploding marriage, The Post has learned.
But while execs at the Thursday session
wanted to put out a statement, Jay Z and
BeyoncĂ© declined - because they couldn’t
agree on what it would say.
Now officials fret that the couple’s $100
million On the Run Tour might be canceled
before its scheduled finale.
"This may not make it to San Francisco,” a
source said. “I’m definitely not sure that
they’ll make it to Paris.”
It’s gotten so bad that the couple are living
separate lives even on the tour. "They’re not
just staying in different hotel rooms, but they
have booked separate hotels, and they arrive
separately to each show,” the insider said.
Time will tell.

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